Thursday, January 8, 2009

Link Building With Blog Carnivals

Blog carnivals are a good and easy way to get exposure and back to your blog. I hope that you all have read my article 101 of the strategies for building traffic. Once a month I will publish new strategies for the next 3 months, to a total of 101 municipalities generate traffic. What I am going to talk a bit tonight is one of my favorites link strategies. I urge not to rely on one or two strategies, but as much as possible. When starting a link building campaign is also important to think about your niche and your target market. I give priority to links to related sites in general for niche sites. Why? The answer is simple: to help your traffic will be more specific. Moreover, blog carnivals are simple enough so that every new blogger can use immediately. There is no excuse for not starting now!

Blog Carnival:

What is a blog carnival? A blog carnival is simply a list of related articles niche, with a description and a link to the blog with the original article. Persons wishing to participate in a blog carnival can go to a site like and find its niche in a carnival. Then, just after his article to the class. If the blog in the article is accepted, is included in the article.

Tips for participants of the Carnival blog:

Only submit original content and interesting
Send to a carnival. If you have an article on Internet marketing, for example, that this is not a carnival of health and fitness, for example. The worst thing you can do is try to spam your article to the categories that are not relevant.
* Think outside the box a bit. Say you have a site of child rearing, for example, wrote an article discussing with teenagers and credit cards. Together with parents and family carnival type may also be relevant to see some money, credit or the carnival.
* Join a regular basis. This is extremely important and what I credit one of my sites more than 75,000 visits per month during the last few months. Not necessarily the concern about the traffic you always blog carnivals, but the backlinks get it too.
* Introduction of to try one of the most important keywords in the title of your site and keep the title rather short. One of the best things about the carnival in blog is that you not only a link to your article, but also to your site. Link back to that count!
* When a blog carnival is a publication, please indicate in your blog and link back to the carnival.
* Check out the sites and owners participating in the carnival in its niche. There may be opportunities for trade item, or joint ventures.

Tips for Hosts Carnival blo
The first, before entering the council, why would you host a blog carnival? That is sending the link to your site. Well, I think that is all around. By hosting a blog carnival in your niche that is a good content that will not only search engines, but also to readers. You are showing that they are really an authority in his field by linking to good content, and you're really interested in adding value to their readers. This will help the people back to your site. In addition, some participants may be a link that will help position the search engines. With that said here are some guidelines.

Post carnival, as expected. There is nothing worse than to say that it will be a carnival, and then decide not to, or by e-mail later. Reputation is very important for the participants of the future carnivals blog.
* The best and most interesting blog carnivals are those in which the recipient actually read the articles and a description or comment on the article.
* Add appropriate images. I am a believer always try to encourage their articles with one or more images.
* If you publish your blog carnival participants e-mail and thank them.
* I would like the links open in a separate window. This will help people to return to your page.
* Make sure your money blog posts with relevant offers a carnival. No spam.
* Never use "no follow" in their ties. You want to praise all the people for their property and people who use "not" get a bad rap.

In short, I love blog carnivals. They are very easy to participate in a great way to increase exposure. This is one of the first things I recommend to people when they start. This will help with some immediate traffic, if they meet the guidelines for the submission of original and interesting articles, instead of helping to build links slowly to your blog or website. The best advice is undoubtedly a role in, and try to remain in the building and one of them.

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